ductless heat pump

If you don’t have a ductless heat pump, you may be wasting money. These pumps efficiently heat and cool your property. One of the best perks is you don’t need a massive renovation project to install one.

When your current heating and cooling system isn’t working or results in pockets of cool or hot air, it’s time to get a replacement. Opt for a ductless heat system the next time you need a new HVAC system.

Find out the benefits of a ductless heat pump below.

How Does a Ductless Heat Pump Work?

Also called a ductless mini-split heat pump, this type of heat pump is a recent innovation. The pump uses electricity to control your home’s temperature, and it works by transferring air in or pushing air out.

The system contains two parts: a handling unit that goes inside and a compressor/condenser unit outside. Instead of ducts, a refrigerant line connects these components.

7 Reasons to Get A Ductless Heat Pump

The benefits of a ductless heat pump split system include:

1. Save Money

With a ductless heat pump split system, you may qualify for tax incentives or rebates. Your total ductless pump heat cost will depend on the number of units you need. Contact us today to speak with one of our specialists.

2. Get Both Heating and Cooling

Unlike an electric appliance that does one or the other, you get complete temperature control with a ductless heat pump. These units are ideal for small spaces or spaces where using central air is complicated.

3. Energy Efficiency

Depending on your space, you may save money on heating and cooling annually by switching to a ductless system. Because these units move heat instead of creating it, they use less energy than standard electric heating systems. They are also more efficient than most boiler-based options.

4. Size

Ductless heat pumps are not big and bulky, and they don’t require annoying exhaust hoses. They’ll fit nicely in your home, and you can even create zoned areas. Our professionals will recommend the best size system for your space.

5. You Won’t Hear It

Ever been jolted awake when your AC kicked on? You won’t have to deal with that issue with ductless systems. These systems operate quietly yet powerfully.

6. Flexible and Easy Installation

With the small size and the lack of complex ducts, ductless heat pump installation is quick and straightforward. You also have options when it comes to placement. You can choose to mount a unit on a wall or a ceiling, and you can have multiple units.

7. Long Lifespan

Your ductless system can last up to 15 years on average. If you use our professional servicing regularly, you could increase the longevity of your system. Our team will inspect and clean your unit so that it works properly for a long time.

Ductless Heat Pump Installation – MetFab Heating & Cooling

MetFab Heating has 38 years of experience with heating, cooling, and HVAC maintenance in Vancouver. If you want to see an example of a ductless heating system, you can stop by our showroom during business hours, and we’ll show you the ropes.

Contact us today to learn more benefits of a ductless heat pump system.
